While driving to work one morning, I remembered a discussion I had with a colleague maybe a year ago about complexity in software. Our discussion was about Fred Brooks' terms accidental complexity and essential complexity.
Accidental complexity is something we don't want. It's all the "fluff" that creeps into software projects: overly complex architectures, unneeded frameworks, "cool" code written by programmers, the list goes on and on. You'll notice that my definition is different from the original by Brooks'. That's because the original accidental complexity has been mostly solved (we don't write assembly anymore nor do we read core dumps printed on paper). Instead the modern accidental complexity is coming from the bazillion tools, frameworks and platforms all claiming to solve every software problem ever known.
Essential complexity is, well, essential. It is something that has to be solved in order to solve the problem at hand. It cannot be reduced, but it can be tackled. And more, it needs to be clearly visible so people are able to concentrate on solving it with minimum wasted effort.
I have a whole blog entry waiting to be written about how recreating old mainframe-systems these days seems impossible and how it relates to grown accidental complexity in software production, but today I'll address the connection of these two types of complexity and the role of a software architect.
Back to my old French car and my thoughts about our discussion. In a short moment of clarity, I realized what is the most important thing a (good) architect tries to do in every project:
Minimize accidental complexity and maximize the visibility of the essential complexity.
This might sound given or then consult-type jargon so let me explain. One very common reason why software projects fail (aside from plain bad salesmanship and contract negotiation) is that the essential complexity of the problem domain is either hidden completely or overshadowed by accidental complexity. Here's an example: A customer has bought a very expensive <insert your favorite commercial bloatware here> platform that will solve all their business needs - all that needs to be done is some customization, configuration and such. What follows is an often failed project where all of the time that should be spent tackling the essential complexity is spent instead in swimming in the accidental complexity of the given platform.
The tools to make essential complexity visible are well known. The most important is good domain-modeling of the problem domain. Another is projecting use cases on the domain-model to make it response to the concrete usage scenarios better. Nothing new or exciting here.
What's much more challenging is fighting the accidental complexity. This is where the value of an architect is weighed. Do you have the balls to say: "This framework/product is unnecessary and we won't include it in the architecture." Then you need the skills to keep programmers from producing code that is not essential to the problem at hand. This is where it's easiest to see the difference between a junior programmer and a seasoned one too. Seasoned programmers (if they've learned anything) solve the given problem with smaller amount of code - code that is clean, simple and without using unnecessary tools or frameworks.
Keeping accidental complexity at bay is often a matter of life and death for the software being created!
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